Quaterly Meeting
First meeting of the year.
Update on the proposed skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park.
Community engagement and events: get involved!
Graffiti on mailboxes.
Any other business

Nature Awareness Experience in Mount Prospect Park
Join us for an immersive nature awareness experience in Mount Prospect Park on January 12th.
Let’s find clarity, inner peace, and new perspective through the power of nature
Slow down, explore, and discover the wonders of nature that this park provides.
Meet new people, learn nature awareness skills, and walk away refreshed and restored.
Join Paul Daniel, a local nature-focused life coach for a FREE nature immersion urban adventure and discover the hidden healing secrets found in our city parks.

Another clean up of Mount Prospect Park
The summer is a busy season of get together, birthdays, picnics, meeting with friends, and Mount Prospect Park is a favorite in the neighborhood. However, the NYC Parks also had its budget cut and the trash cans are overflowing.
It was time to do something. A team of volunteers came today to provide some TLC to the park. Lots of trash was picked up and some weeding was also done (see before and after photos).

Clean up of Mount Prospect Park
Our neighbor Leora has organized for a cleanup of Mount Prospect Park on Saturday 20 July from 11 am to 12 pm.
This will be done with the NYC Parks Department.
Volunteers are needed to help pick-up trash.
Thank you to all of you who came to help out!

Quaterly meeting
It is time for CuRBA’s quaterly meeting before the summer season.
Update on the propose skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park
Proposal of a 14-story tower close to the BBG
Our treasure will also be there for anyone who wishes to pay their dues ($10)
The meeting will be in the Lab at the Central Brooklyn Public Library.
All are invited

Quaterly Meeting
A lot of meetings took place recently regarding the proposed skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park: “input” meeting by the NYC Parks Department (1 May 2024), CB8 Parks Committee (2 May 2024), CB9 Parks Committee and CB8 General Meeting (both 9 May 2024).
The quaterly meeting will discuss these latest developments.
This meeting will be on zoom (link to be provided via email)

Vision for Mount Prospect Park
Organized by CuRBA and Friends of Mount Prospect Park (FoMPP)
The meeting is an opportunity to discuss what you would like in Mount Prospect Park.
It will take place in the Lab at the Brooklyn Public Library.

Meeting about Skateboard Arena in Mount Prospect Park
The NYC Parks Department is organizing a meeting (VIRTUAL, via zoom) to discuss the proposed skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park (Prospect Heights in Brooklyn)

Earth Day: Beautify Mount Prospect Park
This event is organized by Friends of Mount Prospect Park, CuRBA with the support of Snappy (thank you Lauren for making it happen)
Thanks also to the Partnerships for Parks for their support.

Celebrate Mount Prospect Park
Looking for a fun and relaxing way to celebrate Earth Day? Join us in the park.
Pack a picnic basket, or bring a sandwich and let’s celebrate together, as a community, our favorite local park.
Meeting point: flag pole.
All invited.

Meeting on proposed Skateboard Arena
The meeting is about the proposed skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park.
All are invited.

Urgent Meeting
The meeting will be at Turner Towers (135 Eastern Parkway). The meeting room is in the basement. All are invited. You don't need to be a member of CuRBA to attend.
Planned construction of a 40,000 sq/ft skateboard arena in Mount Prospect Park, a project supported by Councilwoman Crystal Hudson, and others.

Mount Prospect Park Spring-Summer Clean Up
With the successful launch around Earth Day of the Clean Up sponsored by CuRBA and Partnerships for Parks, the Cultural Row Block Association (CuRBA) will continue this activity throughout the Spring and Summer until the Fall’s solstice.
Join us for a one hour focused clean up in one area of Mount Prospect Park in Prospect Height Brooklyn. This event is family friendly.
If you are a regular you know the drill. If you are a newcomer, there will be a spot where you can get supplies and direction.
Looking to see you all and thanks to the Partnerships for Parks continuous support. #ITSMYPARK

Candidate Forum for the 35th City Council District
Who is running? Where do the candidates to the 35th city council district stand on housing issues? How will they serve Brooklyn residents? Join us for a discussion among candidates on how best to manage new development and existing housing. The forum will be moderated by Mark Winston Griffith, Brooklyn Movement Center.

CuRBA Annual Meeting
It is time for our general meeting and election of officers (see the By-Laws on who can vote). We will be meeting via Zoom and a link will be sent closer to the date. If you are interested in working with CuRBA on these issues please join us. All are invited.
Block and Neighborhood improvement
Coordination with Cultural institutions
Historic Preservation
If you are interested in serving on the Board or on a committee let us know and email us at curbaonep@gmail.com

Mt. Prospect Park Clean Up - Celebrate Earth Day!
Join the Cultural Row Block Association (CuRBA) and Partnerships for Parks for an Earth Day inspired clean up in Mount Prospect Park on Sunday April 25, from 3-5 pm.
This event is family friendly. On the day of the event, check in at the volunteer table inside the park to get supplies and directions. Social distancing and masks required per parks department volunteer rules.
If you have a trash picker, work gloves or weeding supplies, feel free to bring them. There will be supplies on loan as well. Many of us joke about Mount Prospect Park being our block’s backyard. It’s a wonderful resource and brings together many from our community. I hope you can join the clean up event!
Time to also renew your CuRBA membership or support the block association! There will be a table where you can do so in-person on Sunday as well.
Looking forward to see all of you and thanks to the Partnerships for Parks for this second annual Mt. Prospect Park Clean Up.
THANKS to all the volunteers who participated in the event.

Clean Up Day! - Prospect Heights Community
CuRBA has joined other local organizations in Prospect Heights (Brooklyn, NY) to clean up the neighborhood’s sidewalks and streets.
Please join us at the corner of Underhill and Lincoln Place as Curba will focus on that particular area.
Bring tools and gloves, if you can. Social distancing and masks required
THANK YOU to all the volunteers for making this year’s Clean Up Day another success.

Clean Up of Mt. Prospect Park
The Cultural Row Block Association on Eastern Parkway (CuRBA) in Brooklyn will be removing trash and raking leaves in Mount Prospect Park this coming Sunday.
Volunteers are encouraged and welcomed! Look for the volunteer check-in table to get supplies and directions.
Please wear a mask, and if you have a trash picker and/or work gloves please bring them too. Social distancing will be observed and family units should stay together.
We are thankful for the assistance and tools provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Partnerships for Parks. See photos of the events here.

Virtual Fall Meeting of CuRBA
Business Matters
Minutes of last meeting
Revised by-Laws
New Initiatives
Formation of a new committee on keeping up our street and Mount Prospect Park clean/Beautification
Formation of new committee on coordination with neighborhood groups and cultural institutions.
Updates on Continuing Initiatives
Historic District- Presentation by Gib Veconi
Curb your Dog signs
Prospect Heights Community Clean Up Day!
CuRBA will be one of the many local organizations joining forces to clean up the neighborhood. join us!

CuRBA meeting
Latest information on Historic District Proposal
Successful Greenest Block in Brooklyn
Discuss the West Indian Festivities
Proposal to rename Eastern Parkway
Bring your ideas
Spring Meeting of CuRBA
An agenda will be posted closer to the date.
If you want to propose an agenda item, please sent your proposal to curbaonep@gmail.com

Winter Meeting of CuRBA
Winter meeting of CuRBA which will include the election of the officers, an update of recent activities regarding the creation of a historic district and an update from the filming committee.

History & Future of Brooklyn's First Apartment House District
Learn about the history of the neighborhood and the efforts by CuRBA and PHNDC to create an historic district in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

End-of-the-year Meeting of CuRBA
The tentative agenda is as follows:
Historic District: update by Louise Trubek, Chair of the CuRBA Historic District Committee, and Gib Viconi, Co-Chair of the Landmark Committee at PHNDC (Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council)
Filming in the neighborhood: Isabelle Broyer, President, will go over the issues and CuRBA's outreach to the Mayor's Office for Media and Entertainment (MOME)
Rodents: update by the members
2019 election of officials for CuRBA (President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer): date and procedures
Dues for 2019
Tour of the Neighborhood by Francis Morrone
The Historic Districts Council organized a tour of our neighborhood. It was a great way to learn and discover the history and architecture of where we live.
Check our YouTube Channel to see some excerpts.
Fall Meeting of CuRBA
On the agenda will be the latest on the creation of a historic district, rodent problem, strategy for the Labor Day festivities on Eastern Parkway and more.

Summer Meeting of CuRBA
This will be the last meeting of CuRBA before the summer and a great opportunity to catch up on the various activities by the block association.

Earth Day - Spring Cleanup
After a long winter, it is time to clean up!
What: We will pick up trash and debris on the median and the sidewalks between Plaza Street and Washington Avenue. If there is time (and energy) we will also include Underhill to St. Johns.
Where to meet: the rendez-vous point will be outside of 41 Eastern Parkway
What time: 11 am. If you miss the start you will find us on the median.
What will be provided: garbage bags and basic gloves.
Thanks to all who came to participate in our first Earth Day event. It was also an opportunity to speak about the historic district initiative and gather signatures.

Monthly CuRBA Meeting
Happy Spring!
On the agenda (subject to change):
- Historic district: update and volunteering
- Beautification: greenest block in Brooklyn 2018 and Earth Day
- Contributing to our social media accounts
- Financial report.
- Misc.