Committees Overview
Please contact us if you are interested in taking part in any of the following projects! Let us know if you have a new project that you believe our community would benefit from. Our committees are formed based on the interests of our members.
Historic District Committee
The historic district committee aims to achieve a "historic district" designation for our neighborhood. This will help maintain the neighborhood's unique culture, prevent over development and stop over crowding. CuRBA has been researching and gathering materials for this process. Checkout our page to learn more about the Prospect Heights Apartment House District and how we are trying to preserve the character of the neighborhood!
We need help, so please send us a message if you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved
Facilitator: David Trubek
Design by Doug Ensign
Beautification Committee
The beautification committee is dedicated to keeping our street clean and beautiful.
CuRBA has been participating over the years in the Greenest Block contest organized by The Brooklyn Botanical Garden . We received an honorable mention in 2018. We made the semi-finalists list again this year in the residential category in 2019. We look forward to the contest in 2021
Co-facilitators: Isabelle Broyer and Jeff Schneider
CuRBA is providing, upon request and free of charge, “Curb Your Dog” signs to all buildings on Eastern Parkway between Washington Avenue and 1 Grand Army Plaza. If you are interested, please contact us.
Design of the signs by Doug Ensign
Most recently CuRBA organized, with the support of Partnerships for Parks, an event on Sunday 25 April 2021 to clean up Mount Prospect Park. Volunteers of all ages answered the call. CuRBA had done a similar event back in October to rake the leaves, pick-up trash and remove the weeds. Thank you to Leora and Jeff who put this event together and to everyone who participated. (Photos by David Trubek and Isabelle Broyer)
Members of CuRBA also supported for the second year in a row the clean up of the area around Underhill Avenue on 10 April 2021. The year before neighbors had gathered 12 garbage bags of trash and weeds. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped on this project.
Please check the CuRBA events for more details and photos.
Check upcoming events
Special Events Committee
The West Indian Parade and the Brooklyn Marathon are two major events in our neighborhood. CuRBA ensures that our members are informed and that their concerns are taken into account in the making of these events.
Outreach to Cultural Institutions and Community Organizations Committee
Our neighborhood's cultural institutes are part of what makes this block so great. CuRBA strives to benefit everyone in our neighborhood. Learn more about what's on our block.
Below are pictures from our first Community Fair at the Brooklyn Museum.
Rat Committee
Our "Rat Pack" is committed to keeping Eastern Parkway rat free. We are continuously monitoring the block, so if you see something, say something! Please report any rat sightings to NYC 311, either through their website, app or by calling 311. All methods are free of cost and completely anonymous.